A chrome bright wild salmon, fresh from the salt is a force to be reckoned with. Whether it is a King, Sockeye or Chum – one thing is for certain – you are in for a battle like you have never seen
Tail dancing salmon make for an exciting time.
“Click virtual tour of lower base camp” to follow along on a virtual tour of our Dave Duncan and Sons fishing trip. Our destination is the Lower Base Camp on Alaska’s Kanektok river. Our main quest for this week are wild Pacific Salmon. Specifically Kings, Chums and Sockeyes. Our secondary quest is Pink Salmon, Arctic Char (Dolly Varden) and Leopard Rainbow trout.
My brother Mike and I shared our Kanektok River – Lower River Base Camp (LBC) adventure with seven other guests – Kevin from Dallas, John from Wisconsin, and Britts – Malcolm, Shane, Peter, Gary and Tim. What a wild and diverse group! Meal times were almost as much fun as the fishing.
The Lower Base Camp was staffed by a super team: Brad Duncan – the camp manager and Rebecca – the camp cook, were mainstays of the camp. The fishing guides – who also doubled as assistant cooks , waiters, dishwashers and general camp hosts – were an amazing bunch of guys. Their goal is for all the guests to have a great, worry free week. They exceeded everyone’s expectations!
As you navigate through the virtual trip you may notice helpful hint icons . If you click these icons you will get helpful hints on a particular topic. You can see the whole page of hints.
Dave Duncan & Sons, Ltd.
World class fly fishing in remote Alaska with the best fly fishing guides in the business! Dolly Varden, Greyling, 5 Salmon Species, Leopard Rainbows awaits!
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