Water Temperature and Clarity:
Mid 60’s and clear.
Weather Conditions:
Brisk in the mornings and warm in the afternoons.
Hot Fly of the Week:
The Sex Dungeon.
Highlight of the Week:
The highlight on this week was the Trout fishing. A big part of what makes the Kanektok such a special place is its species diversity. Conditions that can be difficult for some species are optimal for others. This week, our guests took advantage of the low water and sunny days fishing hard for trout. Rainbows were caught on mice, flesh, beads, and streamers.
Quote of the Week:
This has been an arm weary week. The number of fish caught was astounding and the fight and health of the fish in the river was unbelievable. The guides are the best and put you on fish constantly. Rick Hesse, Omaha, NE
Comments for the Week:
Man are we glad we were able to run an extra week this year! The Chosen is fishing amazing. The river has continued to drop to the lowest water we have seen all season, but that hasn’t seemed to hurt the Silver fishing. We got a big push of fish in the middle of the week that have filled the slews with fish. In the mornings, plenty of fish were caught on top-water. When that slowed down, small Clousers and Leeches hooked as many fish as you wanted. The Trout have moved back to the banks, and the fishing has mirrored the first few weeks of the season. Big trout were caught on mice and streamers. With the season wrapping up on another high note, we’re looking back and reminiscing on all of the fond memories. A big thanks to all of our guests, friends, and family that make coming up here and doing what we do possible. The 2019 DDS season on the Kanektok is now in the books! We can’t wait to do it all over again.
Photo of the Week:
Dave Duncan & Sons, Ltd.
World class fly fishing in remote Alaska with the best fly fishing guides in the business! Dolly Varden, Greyling, 5 Salmon Species, Leopard Rainbows awaits!
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